Title: Address before Pan American Conference Date: January 16, 1928 Location: Havana, Cuba Context: Speech reiterating the good of having faith in people, and the importance of maintaining good principles for the people in order to keep that faith (Original document available here) Mr. President and members of the Pan American Conference: No citizen of… Continue reading President Calvin Coolidge | Address before Pan American Conference
Category: america
At the Frontier of Knowledge
AT THE FRONTIER OF KNOWLEDGE Only a small part of humans can currently “speak” the rudiments of the language of Universal Mathematics – for some “Universal Intelligence” – with knowledge and fluency and the same is true for so-called artificial intelligence, which is not a different intelligence than human intelligence, but the digital expression of… Continue reading At the Frontier of Knowledge
The Carapachibey Lighthouse is a huge sundial
El Faro Carapachibey es un enorme reloj de sol
Puerto de Carenas and not Havana
“I was walking around the island of Cuba with certain Spanish people who accompanied me, in the year 1514, in another state than the one I later had, although ecclesiastical, understanding to secure all the majority of the provinces and people of that island, as Please Our Lord, we will say when we will arrive… Continue reading Puerto de Carenas and not Havana