President Trump, can you please sign an executive order to get rid of The View?

Presidente Trump, ¿podría firmar una orden ejecutiva para deshacerse de The View? – Gram Rosalie, 106 yo I just love her .. She says follow me for more videos..😁@greggutfeld you love the view 😂 — Squirrel Mama (@Squil_Mama) February 7, 2025

President Calvin Coolidge | Address before Pan American Conference

Title: Address before Pan American Conference Date: January 16, 1928 Location: Havana, Cuba Context: Speech reiterating the good of having faith in people, and the importance of maintaining good principles for the people in order to keep that faith (Original document available here) Mr. President and members of the Pan American Conference: No citizen of… Continue reading President Calvin Coolidge | Address before Pan American Conference

Healthcare globally not interested in the expansion of longevity

Hmmm! 🤔 Longevity must be very much productive and much less expensive than the current status quo if most humans are going to last one hundred years or more. Healthcare institutions and organizations globally should not be interested in the longevity expansion of the present elderly. Indeed, if humans were to live up to 100… Continue reading Healthcare globally not interested in the expansion of longevity

At the Frontier of Knowledge

AT THE FRONTIER OF KNOWLEDGE Only a small part of humans can currently “speak” the rudiments of the language of Universal Mathematics – for some “Universal Intelligence” – with knowledge and fluency and the same is true for so-called artificial intelligence, which is not a different intelligence than human intelligence, but the digital expression of… Continue reading At the Frontier of Knowledge

My soul is in a hurry | Mario de Andrade, Brazilian

“My soul is in a hurry” I counted my years and discovered I have less time to live from now on than I’ve lived so far. I feel like that child who won a package of candies; he savored the first ones with delight, but when he realized there were few left, he began to… Continue reading My soul is in a hurry | Mario de Andrade, Brazilian

Helms-Burton Act | Mass migration will be considered an act of aggression

Helms-Burton Act | Mass migration SECTION 101. STATEMENT OF POLICY It is the sense of the Congress that– (1) the acts of the Castro government, including its massive, systematic, and extraordinary violations of human rights, are a threat to international peace; (2) the President should advocate, and should instruct the United States Permanent Representative to… Continue reading Helms-Burton Act | Mass migration will be considered an act of aggression